Integrisport 3.0 – Sesión práctica de sensibilización para autoridades policiales y judiciales sobre la lucha contra la manipulación deportiva en España

Madrid, España – Más de 100 funcionarios de varios departamentos de la Policía Nacional se reunieron en Madrid para asistir a un simposio de formación los días 24 y 25 de octubre de 2023 en el Complejo de la Policía Nacional de Madrid, en el que aprendieron temas clave que les ayudarán a contribuir a la preservación del deporte, integridad y fortalecer su lucha contra la manipulación en el deporte. El simposio, es decir, la Sesión Práctica de Sensibilización (ARPS), fue parte del proyecto IntegriSport 3.0 y fue organizado por la Fundación CSCF para la Integridad Deportiva, coordinadora y experta en contenidos del proyecto, junto con la Policía de España, los países socios del proyecto, en estrecha cooperación con el Ministerio del Interior de España. Esta reunión excepcional reunió a un impresionante elenco de más de 32 oradores, uniendo a expertos, visionarios y partes interesadas clave de diversos sectores para abordar el desafío multifacético de la manipulación deportiva.

Integrisport 3.0 es un proyecto creado para brindar apoyo teórico y práctico a las autoridades policiales y judiciales en los seis países del programa: Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Grecia, Rumania y España, cofinanciado por la Unión Europea. La sesión práctica inaugural de sensibilización marcó el inicio de este proyecto y de la 15ª edición del exitoso programa Integrisport , que ha llegado a casi dos tercios de los órganos policiales y judiciales de los países de la UE en los últimos 4,5 años.

Además de los ponentes expertos del CSCF, destacaron el comisario jefe José Ángel González Morán, Jefe de la Unidad Central de delincuencia especializada y violenta, el comisario Félix López Rivera, jefe de la Brigada Central de Delitos contra las Personas y el inspector jefe David Calvete Sarasa, jefe del Servicio Central de Control de Juegos y Apuestas de la Policía Nacional y otros funcionarios de diversas organizaciones de alto nivel, entre ellas la Policía Nacional, LALIGA, UEFA, Asociación de Futbolistas Españoles (AFE), Real Federación Española de Fútbol, Federación Española de Rugby, Federación española de Tenis, miembros de la Fiscalía General del Estado, de la Fiscalía Anticorrupción, Centro Finlandés para la Integridad en el Deporte (FINCIS), Asociación Eslovaca de Fútbol, Policía de Malta y muchos más. El evento contó con la participación de una serie de distinguidos representantes de organismos encargados de hacer cumplir la ley, eminentes funcionarios judiciales, figuras reconocidas del mundo del deporte, voces influyentes de los sindicatos de jugadores, líderes del sector de las apuestas y pioneros de los deportes electrónicos.

El evento fue un esfuerzo de colaboración, organizado conjuntamente por el Servicio de Control del juego de la Policía nacional, del que se encuentra adscrito el Centro Nacional de Policía para la Integridad en los Deportes y las Apuestas (CENPIDA) y coorganizado por la Fundación CSCF para la Integridad Deportiva, una organización dedicada a fortalecer la integridad de los deportes como coordinador y proveedor de contenido del evento. Este espíritu de colaboración se extendió aún más con el apoyo sustancial y la presencia activa de organizaciones estimadas como nuestros socios de IntegriSport 3.0 Play Fair Code, Austria (PFC), United Lotteries for Integrity in Sport (ULIS), también nuestro socio de apoyo FIFPRO, junto con Interpol y Europol, que participaron activamente en el evento.

En esencia, este simposio tenía como objetivo proporcionar una combinación de conocimientos teóricos y orientación práctica a los organismos encargados de hacer cumplir la ley, los órganos judiciales y las partes interesadas de la industria. Juntos, profundizaron en los innumerables desafíos que rodean la manipulación deportiva y los crímenes dentro del mundo del deporte. Otro objetivo primordial fue fomentar la cooperación nacional e internacional, reconociendo que este problema global exige un frente unido. Los participantes, la mayoría de los cuales conocieron estos temas clave por primera vez, brindaron comentarios muy positivos y apreciaron mucho el nivel de contenido, diseño y formato del evento.

La Fundación CSCF para la Integridad Deportiva, la fuerza impulsora detrás de esta iniciativa, ha defendido durante mucho tiempo la causa de la integridad deportiva. Su compromiso con este noble esfuerzo reconoce la necesidad de una acción colectiva para combatir eficazmente la manipulación dentro de la industria del deporte.

El director de la Fundación CSCF para la Integridad Deportiva, Norbert Rubicsek, compartió sus ideas y afirmó: " Nuestra dedicación por defender la pureza de los deportes nos ha impulsado a organizar este evento innovador. Creemos firmemente que fomentando la cooperación entre todas las partes interesadas, podemos forjar un marco resiliente para combatir la manipulación deportiva y salvaguardar los valores que hacen que el deporte sea tan especial. "

Durante la clausura del evento de dos días, el inspector jefe David Calvete señaló: Quiero expresar mi más sincero agradecimiento por la oportunidad que se ha brindado a la Policía Nacional de colaborar en el proyecto IntegriSport 3.0, comprometido con la lucha contra el amaño de partidos en todo el mundo. Es un privilegio ser parte de él y contribuir a su éxito. Las claves del éxito son la proactividad, la búsqueda de soluciones creativas a los retos que se presentan y la colaboración efectiva entre todos los participantes. Estoy seguro que este proyecto seguirá creciendo y logrando grandes cosas y nosotros, en la Policía Nacional, queremos ser parte de ese progreso”. Añadió además diciendo: "También me gustaría destacar la dedicación y profesionalismo de todos los miembros del equipo de CSCF. Su compromiso y arduo trabajo han sido inspiradores y han asegurado que los días se hayan celebrado con excelencia".

El simposio de dos días en Madrid marca un paso transformador en la búsqueda continua para salvaguardar la integridad del deporte en España. Con la unión de expertos y partes interesadas para fortalecer la lucha contra la manipulación deportiva, existe una esperanza renovada de un futuro en el que los deportes sigan siendo un modelo de juego limpio y competencia honesta, que inspire a las generaciones venideras.

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Integrisport 3.0 – Awareness raising practical session for law enforcement and judiciary on tackling sport manipulation in Spain

Madrid, Spain – More than 100 officials from various departments of Policia Nacional came together in Madrid to attend a training symposium on 24th and 25th October, 2023, at the National Police Complex Madrid, learning key topics for helping them contribute towards the preservation of sports integrity and to strengthen their fight against manipulation in sport. The symposium, i.e., the Awareness Raising Practical Session (ARPS) was part of the IntegriSport 3.0 project and organized by CSCF Foundation for Sports Integrity, the coordinator and content experts of the project, along with Policia España, the country partners of the project, in close cooperation with Ministry of Interior, Spain. This exceptional gathering brought together an impressive lineup of more than 32 speakers, uniting experts, visionaries, and key stakeholders from diverse sectors to tackle the multifaceted challenge of sport manipulation.

Integrisport 3.0 is a project established to provide theoretical and practical support for law enforcement and judiciaries in the six program countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Romania, and Spain, co-financed by the European Union. The inaugural awareness-raising practical session marked the commencement of this project and the 15th edition of the successful Integrisport program, reaching nearly two-thirds of EU countries' law enforcement and judiciaries in the last 4.5 years.

In addition to the expert speakers from CSCF, the notable speakers were Chief Commissioner José Ángel González Morán, Head of the Specialized and Violent Crime Unit, Commissioner Félix López River, Head of the Central Crimes against Persons Brigade and Chief Inspector David Calvete Sarasa, Head of the Central Gaming and Betting Control Service of the National Police and various other officials from a number of high level organizations including the National Police, LALIGA, UEFA, Association of Spanish Soccer Players (AFE), Royal Spanish Football Federation, Spanish Rugby Federation, Spanish Tennis Federation, members of the State Attorney General's Office and of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, Finnish Center for Integrity in Sport (FINCIS), Slovak Football Association, Malta Police Force and many more. The event saw participation from a number of distinguished representatives from law enforcement agencies, eminent judiciary officials, renowned figures from the world of sports, influential voices from players' unions, leaders from the betting sector, and pioneers in esports.

The event was a collaborative effort, jointly hosted by the Gambling Control Service of the National Police, which is part of the National Center of Police for Integrity in Sports and Betting (CENPIDA) and co-hosted by CSCF Foundation for Sport Integrity, an organization dedicated to fortifying the integrity of sports as the event's coordinator and content provider. This collaborative spirit extended further with substantial support and active presence from esteemed organizations like our IntegriSport 3.0 partners Play Fair Code, Austria (PFC), United Lotteries for Integrity in Sport (ULIS), also our supporting partner FIFPRO, along with Interpol and Europol, actively participating in the proceedings.

At its core, this symposium aimed to provide a blend of theoretical insights and practical guidance to law enforcement agencies, judiciary bodies, and industry stakeholders. Together, they delved into the myriad challenges surrounding sport manipulation and crimes within the world of sports. Another primary objective was to foster national and international cooperation, recognizing that this global issue demands a united front. The participants, most of whom were introduced to these key topics for the first time, provided a very positive feedback, appreciating highly for the level of content, design and format of the event.

CSCF Foundation for Sport Integrity, the driving force behind this initiative, has long championed the cause of sports integrity. Their commitment to this noble endeavor recognizes the need for collective action to effectively combat manipulation within the sports industry.

CSCF Foundation for Sport Integrity 's Director, Norbert Rubicsek, shared his insights, stating, "Our dedication to upholding the purity of sports has propelled us to organize this groundbreaking event. We firmly believe that by fostering cooperation among all stakeholders, we can forge a resilient framework to combat sport manipulation and safeguard the values that make sports so special."

During the closing of the 2 day event, Chief Inspector David Calvete noted: I want to express my most sincere gratitude for the opportunity that has been given to the National Police to collaborate in IntegriSport 3.0 project, committed to fight match fixing across the world. It is a privilege to be part of it and contribute to its success. The keys to success are proactivity, the search for creative solutions to the challenges that arise, and effective collaboration between all participants. I am sure that this project will continue to grow and achieve great things, and we, at National Police, want to be part of that progress.” He further added by saying "I would also like to highlight the dedication and professionalism of all team members of CSCF. Their commitment and hard work have been inspiring and have ensured that the days have been celebrated with excellence."

The 2 day symposium in Madrid marks a transformative stride in the ongoing quest to safeguard the integrity of sports in Spain. With experts and stakeholder uniting together to strengthen the fight against sports manipulation, there is renewed hope for a future where sports remain a beacon of fair play and honest competition, inspiring generations to come.

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Integrisport 3.0 – Awereness raising practical session for law enforcement and judiciary on tackling sport manipulation Greece

Athens, Greece – Athens played host to a significant event on October 5th and 6th, 2023, as the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, along with EPATHLA the Greek National Platform for Sports, became the focal point for a two-day symposium addressing the preservation of sports integrity and the fight against manipulation in sport. The Awareness Raising Practical Session (ARPS) was part of the IntegriSport 3.0 project and organized by CSCF Foundation for Sports Integrity, the coordinator and content experts of the project. This exceptional gathering brought together an impressive lineup of 35 influential speakers, uniting experts, visionaries, and key stakeholders from diverse sectors to tackle the multifaceted challenge of sport manipulation.

Integrisport 3.0 is a project established to provide theoretical and practical support for law enforcement and judiciaries in the six program countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Romania, and Spain, co-financed by the European Union. The inaugural awareness-raising practical session marked the commencement of this project and the 14th edition of the successful Integrisport program, reaching nearly two-thirds of EU countries' law enforcement and judiciaries in the last 4,5 years.

Among the notable keynote speakers were Hon’ble Alternate Minister for Sports Mr. Ioannis Vroutsis, celebrated Member of European Parliament and sports legend Theodoros Zagorakis, Vourliotis Charalambos, Head of the Independent Authority for Money Laundering, Greece, Alexandra Rogkakou, Head of the National Transparency Authority and George Mavrotas, Secretary General of Sport and Chair of the Follow Up Committee of the Macolin Convention. The event saw participation from a number of distinguished representatives from law enforcement agencies, eminent judiciary officials, renowned figures from the world of sports, influential voices from players' unions, leaders from the betting sector, and pioneers in esports.

The event was a collaborative effort, jointly hosted by the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, along with the Greek National Platform for Sport Integrity (EPATHLA) and co-hosted by CSCF Foundation for Sport Integrity, an organization dedicated to fortifying the integrity of sports as the event's coordinator and content provider. This collaborative spirit extended further with substantial support from esteemed organizations like ULIS and FIFPRO, along with Interpol, actively participating in the proceedings.

At its core, this symposium aimed to provide a blend of theoretical insights and practical guidance to law enforcement agencies, judiciary bodies, and industry stakeholders. Together, they delved into the myriad challenges surrounding sport manipulation and crimes within the world of sports. Another primary objective was to foster national and international cooperation, recognizing that this global issue demands a united front.

CSCF Foundation for Sport Integrity, the driving force behind this initiative, has long championed the cause of sports integrity. Their commitment to this noble endeavor recognizes the need for collective action to effectively combat manipulation within the sports industry.

Hon'ble Minister Vroutsis, emphasized the event's significance, stating, "The battle against sport manipulation is pivotal in preserving the essence of fair competition in sports. We are proud to stand in the frontline with experts and stakeholders to collectively address this issue and ensure equitable opportunities for all athletes."

CSCF Foundation for Sport Integrity 's Director, Norbert Rubicsek, shared his insights, stating, "Our dedication to upholding the purity of sports has propelled us to organize this groundbreaking event. We firmly believe that by fostering cooperation among all stakeholders, we can forge a resilient framework to combat sport manipulation and safeguard the values that make sports so special."

The Athens event marks a transformative stride in the ongoing quest to safeguard the integrity of sports. With experts and influencers uniting, there is renewed hope for a future where sports remain a beacon of fair play and honest competition, inspiring generations to come.

George Mavrotas the Chair of the Macolin Convention’s ´Follow Up Committee´ and Secretary General of Sport noted that: The sport movement alone cannot face this global threat behind which organized crime is often found. For this reason, synergies with the law enforcement and other government authorities as well as with the betting ecosystem are necessary. These are cases that are not easily proven and for this the effective investigation of such cases needs inputs from both the sports community and the betting ecosystem and of course the expertise of the prosecuting authorities at national and international level with the appropriate collaborations. IntegriSport 3.0 programme aims at this direction.

The Athens event marks a transformative stride in the ongoing quest to safeguard the integrity of sports. With experts and influencers uniting, there is renewed hope for a future where sports remain a beacon of fair play and honest competition, inspiring generations to come.

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