The Finnish Center for Integrity in Sports FINCIS is involved in Integrisport Erasmus+, a two-year (2019–2020) project on the prevention of the manipulation of sports competitions funded by the EU. Athletes representing the countries participating in the project have released a video where they object to the manipulation of sports competitions.

In this video, Finnish athletes are represented by the captain of the national ice hockey team Jenni Hiirikoski and wheelchair sprinter Leo-Pekka Tähti.Hiirikoski says that manipulation of sports competitions ruins sports and destroys athletes’ careers. As for Tähti, he expresses his support for the authorities in their battle against the manipulation of sports competitions. In return, he expects the authorities to support athletes when they need it.
International experts of the prevention of the manipulation of sports competitions will be training Finnish police officers and prosecutors in Helsinki this week. The aim of the training is to improve the authorities’ competence to investigate and prosecute suspected crimes related to the manipulation of sports competitions. The training complies with the Council of Europe Convention against the manipulation of sports competitions and the related guidelines.
“This training enables us to improve our national skills to prevent the manipulation of sports competitions. Authorities and sports require tight co-operation. Together we can provide athletes with the support they need and protect them from the manipulation of sports competitions,” says Jouko Ikonen, FINCIS Chief Investigative Officer.
“Integrisport Erasmus+ has been established to provide help law enforcement and judiciaries to have in-depth knowledge on sport manipulation and how to fight against it. The Project also aims to provide a unique opportunity for the law enforcement participants to meet with the representatives of athletes, sport movement and the betting world and to understand the different point of view but mutual aim to fight against manipulation of sports competitions. It is a unique project as it addresses the key stakeholder that enforces all the regulations and laws in the protection of sport integrity,” says Norbert Rubicsek, project manager of Integrisport Erasmus+.
The project is coordinated by Stichting CSCF – Foundation for Sport Integrity and it has the support of the Council of Europe. In addition to Finland, the Netherlands, Cyprus, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovakia and Hungary are involved in the project. EU Athletes, GLMS, and Aix-Marseille University are the project’s cooperative organisations.
More information:
Susanna Sokka
FINCIS – Information Manager
tel. +358 40 740 7477
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